Thursday, April 28, 2005

Gone for boracay...

Going to boracay again after 1 year. I'll be packing up at 2:00 am. Its Tina's treat, so why ignore it hehehe. After all she'll be leaving this May for Canada. I'm sure it will be fun.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

PECO sucks

By the time I arrive at the office at 7:15 am, they say there is no electicity. yet the black-out started 1:00 am. We have called up PECO to ask what happened. they say that one of there powerplant go down. Me and my officemate did was chit chat everywhere we have no work to do. It resumed 10:00. I feel lazy today...I don't know whats wrong with me.

Maybe I have to go home early.

Monday, April 25, 2005

Still sleepy

I fell asleep around 12:15 watching "warriors of heaven and earth" ...didn't finish. I'm here now at office still sleepy and also got the bugs on my head about our payroll...can't get it right for the computation. Gabriel woke up 3:00 am just to watch barney. i was thinking my son was dreaming, anyway i got up and open the TV and VCD player then he fell asleep again. it's hard to have a kid who is fond of barney.

Friday, April 22, 2005

First Full Blog

Okay...I'm In. then what.who ever made this it s quite cool.